

Our work is informed by the need to address the increasingly social injustice and inequality at local, national and global levels that push many disadvantaged children, young people and women further to the margins.

Mamie Foundation Strategy 2027 (Creating a just and equitable world) is an ambitious six-year plan with 8 strategic goals positioned to deliver considerable impact and strengthen the organisation’s capacity to become  visible, effective and accountable in delivering life-changing services to the most disadvantaged children, young people and women in poorest and most marginalised communities.

GOAL 1: Child's Education

Children have access to quality education and safe and protected learning environments. Teachers are empowered to best engage learners and achieve active and inclusive learning for all children and adolescents

GOAL 2: Youth Employment

Young people in economically disadvantaged areas are empowered with employability skills and job opportunities to enjoy income security and social inclusion

GOAL 3: Women Empowerment

Women are empowered to become financially independent and socially active to work their way out of poverty and exercise greater control over decisions that affect their lives.

GOAL 4: Gender-based Violence

Women and girls are empowered to exercise their right to a life free violence and enjoy social, economic and political freedom.

GOAL 5: Visibility, Partnership and Networking

Gain national and international visibility in the UK and Africa and work collaboratively with a strengthened and more diverse portfolio of partners that share our vision of just and equitable world, add substantial value and maximise the impact of our work.

GOAL 6: Funding and Finances

Mamie Foundation builds sustainable financing from stable and diverse sources of funding base

GOAL 7: Effective and Accountable Organisation

Mamie Foundation is recognised as an accountable and effective organisation creating positive, cost-effective social change in poor and marginalised communities.

GOAL 8: Regional Expansion

Mamie Foundation expands to two or more West African Countries by 2027.

The core areas of Mamie Foundation’s work sit at the intersection of three sustainable development goals (SDG): Quality Education (SDG 4), Gender Equality (SDG 5) and Decent Work and Economic Growth (SGD 8).  The overarching focus is on addressing the increasing social injustice and inequality that continue to shape poverty and vulnerability in many poor and marginalised communities.

sustainable development goals